Versions / Builds Affected
EndPointSecurity 2013 builds 20130306 / 20130408Status
ResolvedProblem Summary
You can't specify the domain e.g. domain\user when entering alternative logon credentials for the Risk ScanTT / JIRAID
339How to Identify
If you specify domain\user or user@domain in the alternative credentials for the Risk Scan you receive the following error:
The name domain\user cannot be used. Names may not consist entirely of periods and/or spaces, or contain these characters:
/"[]:|<>+=;,?*Workaround / Fix Details
Fixed in GFI EndPointSecurity 2013 Service Release 1 (build 20130719)
Patch availabe from Actions
- Provide the patch to the customer or ask to upgrade to the latest build
- Attach this article to the case