The article details the process to gather troubleshooter logs from GFI EndPointSecurity Server.
Use these instructions when requested by a GFI Technical Support Representative. If you do not have an open case, first submit a request at www.gfi.com/supportform.
Perform the following steps to help us gather the required information and isolate the issue:
Stop the GFI EndPointSecurity service
- Enable debug:
Go to the installation folder of GFI EndPointSecurity and open the crmiini.xml file with Notepad.
- Change the Debug value from 0 to 1, and save the file.
- Delete all files from the <GFI\EndPointSecurity 6>\DebugLogs directory.
- Restart the GFI EndPointSecurity service.
- Recreate the issue being encountered. You can use the problem step recorder for it.
Example Scenario: Agent deployment issues:
- Make deployment of two agents and wait until you see the Up-to-date status change to Update Pending.
- Go to the Status > Agents and right-click on the agents and choose Debug > Collect debug logs... from each of them.
- Go to Start > Programs > GFI EndPointSecurity 2013 and run the GFI EndPointSecurity Troubleshooter.
- Go to the installation directory of GFI EndPointSecurity and locate the zip file named <Year_Month_Day_####_###_ESECSupport>.zip and place it in a folder named with the format Year_Month_Day_<GFI-xxxxx>. (For example 2018_08_20_GFI-123456). Replace the 123456 with the Case Number that you have opened with GFI Support.
- Save your Application and System event logs as "Windows event log format (EVT)" to the folder created in step 7, then zip the folder.
- Upload the file to our FTP server:
- Login to the FTP server (Note:If you see a page with many files and folders, right-click on the page and choose Logon As..., and put in the credentials below)
FTP Server details:
- Host: ftp://ftp.gfisoftware.com
- User: gfi
- Pass: gfi911cust
- Note: If using Windows Explorer use ftp://gfi:gfi911cust@ftp.gfisoftware.com
FTP Server details:
- Paste the zip file created in step 8.
- Reply to the case email with the exact filename uploaded. Provide any necessary details that may assist in reviewing the logging.