Versions / Builds Affected
EndPointSecurity 2013 (20130719)Status
OpenProblem Summary
Scanning a network by IP range fails if the IP address 'X.X.X.0' or 'X.X.X.255' is included. The system detects that this IP address is reversed and it will fail.TT / JIRAID
407How to Identify
You can check if you are being affected by this behavior by doing the following scan:
1. After a new scan is finishes, no result is listed. The scan history has never been updated.
2- Open 'logScannerEngine.csv' log file. You should find the line below after the scan process.
X.X.X.0 is neither a computer name nor IPWorkaround / Fix Details
Development has released a patch and it can be downloaded from: Actions
Follow the workaround.